Friday, March 27, 2009

New all original Joust! Mix

We've just finished up a brand new all original mixtape that we're pretty stoked on and we thought we would share it with all you Oh Snap! blog frequenters. It's cut down to a lean 18 minutes of pure epicness, soothing melodies and banging bass. Feel free to give us any feedback if you feel oh so obliged.

MP3: Joust!-Soundtrack to Knighthood

The End of All things
Joust! - Survival Waves
Joust! - Monster
Joust! - I Got What it Takes (Acapella)
Joust! - Bring the Heat
Joust! - Shark Attack
Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek (Joust 4 all da ladiez remix)
Joust! - Don’t Say You Got a Man
Joust! - The Circle of Joust!

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